Introduction The testimony of faith is the decisive criterion by which man is judged
to be a Muslim or a Kafir. This testimony is the foundation upon which
Islam is based. The concept of life, the universe and man is diffused from
it,and upon it is based the message of all Messengers beginning with Noah
and ending with Muhammad,( peace be upon them all). Allah, the Exalted
says: We
did not send the Messenger before you without revealing to him: “Thereis
no god worthy of being worshiped except I, therefore worship Me.”(V.21 :25) Allah has created men and jinn and the rest of creation on account of the
testimony of faith, there is no god worthy of being worshipped except
Allah. Consequently everything in this universe submits in worship to
Allah, to Whom belong the creation and the authority. He is aware of all
things. |