Meaning and Essence of Islam The
lexical meaning of Islam is submission, and adherence to the commands of
Allah without objection. This is the true essence of Islam. By obeying
Allah and observing His commands, the Muslim would be in harmony with the
universe in which he lives, for everything in this universe abides by the
commands of Allah. It
is an established fact that everything in this universe follows certain
rule, and an unalterable law to which it submits; the sun, the moon, the
stars, the night, the day, the land, the trees, and the beasts; all submit
to a rule which Allah, the Creator, has designated for all these things.
Even man himself, when you consider his physical construction, and
biological compounds, his need for water and nutrition, heat, air, light,
rest, or sleep you would find him submitting to a law ………..