INTRODUCTION The reign of Syrian Umayyads (661 -
C.E.) was merely a stage of growth and ripening. But the most brilliant
era of Muslim Civilization was without any doubt that of the Abbassid
Khalifa of Bagdad (750 -
C.E.) “At the epoch when the rest of Europe was prolonged in darkest
barbarism,” states Gustave Le Bon, “Bagdad and Cordova, the two great
cities where Islam held sway, were centres of civilization which illumined
the whole world with the light of their brilliance.” “For five hundred years”, writes Jacques C. Riesler, “Islam
dominated the world by its power, its learning and its superior
civilization. Heir to the scientific and philosophical treasure of the
Greeks, Islam passed on the treasure, after enriching it, to western
Europe. Thus it was able to widen the intellectual horizon of the Middle
Ages and make profound impression on European life and thought.” This booklet is specially dedicated to those Muslims whose
Multi-disciplinary contribution sparked the light of learning and
productivity throughout Europe, and without whom the European Rennaissance
would not have begun and come to maturity. As you will find in the
biographies included here, their various contributions to our basic
understanding of sciences, mathematics, technology, sociology and
philosophy have been used by the Europeans without giving them any credit. Muslim inheritors of the scientific tradition of late antiquity