(PBUH) RICOI is profoundly
thankful for all people who directly or indirectly participated in
compiling this book. May the blessings
and rewards of Allah be bestowed upon them. Prophet Muhammad (s) was born in 570 C.E. in Makkah (Bakka.
Baca, Mecca). His father, Abdullah, died several weeks before his
birth in Yathrib (Medinah) where he went to visit his father’s maternal
relatives. His mother died while on the return journey from Medinah at a
place called ‘Abwa’ when he was six years old. He was raised by his
paternal grandfather, Abd al Muttalib (Shaybah) until the age of eight,
and after his grandfather’s death he was raised by Abu Talib, his
paternal uncle. ‘Abd al Muttalib’s mother, Sahna, was a native of
Medinah and he was born and raised as a young boy in Medinah before his
uncle Muttalib brought him to Makkah to succeed him. Many years before
Muhammad’s birth, ‘Abd al Muttalib had established himself as an
influential leader of the Arab tribe ‘Quraish’ in Makkah and took care
of the Holy sanctuary ‘Ka’bah’. Makkah was a city state
connected to the caravan routes to Syria and Egypt in the north and
northwest and Yemen in the south. Muhammad was a descendant of Prophet
Ismail through the lineage of his second son Kedar. Ka’bah is the first house of worship built on earth
for the worship of Allah, the One True God. It was rebuilt
(raised from the existing foundation) by Prophets Ibrahim (Abraham)
and Ismail (Ishmael). Allah is the proper name of the One True God,
creator and sustainer of the universe, who does not have a partner or
associate, and He did not beget nor was He begotten. Unlike the word god,
the word Allah does not have a plural or gender.