For many people the idea of the Islamic belief is a bit phisticated,
although it is very simple and might be crystal clear the minds of the
majority. Many of us need to clarify this idea simple, clear, practical
and self evident examples. his booklet is, therefore a response to this dazzling dilemma. It ayes
room to wonder. All matters related to the pure. implete, authentic and
practical belief in
arc well :plained and eflicientlv pointed out. [any books, pamphlets, lectures and hand outs have been written id
presented in this regard. However, the idea of Islamic belief still vague
and hard to explain from an lslamicaliv authentic iint of view.
Especialh’ new Muslims
have not
posed well to Islamic culture, life and education will definitely nefit
from reading this simplified version of the Islamic belief us booklet aims primarily to serve this purpose. Also, many hers (i.e.
VETERANS) will surely benefit of such enlightened ~dings. ith this in mind, we present this humble work for the readers ping and
praying that Allaah, the Almighty will guide all our ‘orts to what
please Him and benefit Muslims at large wherever ~y might be on earth. INTRODUCTION All praise is due to Allaah. the Almighty, the Lord of the Thy help we seek, Thy
forgiveness we ask, and we see ~4ith Thy from our own evil and from the
misdeeds comniitted against our souls. He who
the / guides. will never be misguided. He whom Allaah, the misguides.
there will be no guidance. I bear witness tha no deity ~orthv of worship
except Allaah, the Almighty. no partner. I bear witness that Muhammad. the
p blessing of Allaah. the Almigh~ be upon him, is His set Prophet. This brief summar about the belief of the early generationS is written
to mans
questionS about
this complex issue. Individuals from all ~~alk educational backgrounds.
classes and various schools o have suffered in confusion when it comes to
the underst pure islamic faith or belief. Such people are not to be hi to
the misconceptions of those who have addressed this subject in the past.
Such people did not previously initiative to review such an important matter
in various
Islamic sources, Muslim scholars have investigated this the best of their
abilities leaving no room for addition they have concluded. Therefore, it
is imperative to re~ sources before dealing with the issue of Islamic
belief. sought Allaah’s guidance and prepared this brief sumn the belief
of the early Muslim generations I have research on the writings and the collections of the ear] scholars
who are
accepted as authorities by the ii Muslims. I have added nuv opimon in a fe~ places ~ |